Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bucket List (feeling my age)

My Bucket List (a work in progress)

1. live in Italy for and extended period of time. (min 6 months)
2. Travel to Greece, Poland, Russia, Turkey.
3. Visit Auschwitz
4. Become fluent in Italian (again)
5. do a benefit recital
6. Get a job in arts admin
7. lose 50 pounds (WTF? Did I just broadcast that?) Just keep comment.
8. meet Ira Glass
9. Meet Obama
10. Live to see a woman become the US president
11. Make a difference in the world by doing something important
12. be kinder
13. be more patient
14. work for myself
15. perform in a musical
16. take acting lessons
17. learn to play the piano better
18. Go to Hawaii
 more to come.....

added on Feb 4, 2014
I hesitate to add more because 18 is really my lucky number. But bucking superstition for a moment, I'll go for it.

19. blog more (did I already say that?) Early senility? Late senility? Whatever. This is all I can muster today.

added Feb 15, 2014
20. learn to cook.
21. be brave enough to have friends over for a meal (that I actually made and didn't just heat up).
22. become vegan for more than 5 minutes.