Saturday, August 16, 2014

The other side of hearing impairment

I have a lot of friends and family who have hearing loss or hearing impairment. Some wear hearing aids and others think they hear just fine, but the rest of the world just mumbles or speaks too softly. Yes, you should always face a person with hearing loss when you are speaking to them. You should enunciate without overdoing it so as to make them feel bad. You should speak in a normal tone of voice but make sure you are projecting so the voice will carry.'s VERY frustrating when your loved one constantly says "what?" EVERY TIME YOU SAY ANYTHING. After repeating myself 3 times in a kind, clear manner, and they still can't hear me, I feel like I shouldn't talk anymore. I'm not saying I'm angry with the person, just frustrated. It's hard to have a conversation when you have to repeat everything and use a loud voice which strains my throat. I wish I had a microphone or something that would transmit the sound so that the hearing impaired person could hear more clearly. I know I sound like an asshat, but I think hearing impaired people should do EVERYTHING they can to ensure they get the devices necessary to hear every day conversation. The technology exists. Rant over. Judgy pants still on.