Monday, January 20, 2014

Late night musings

I always admire people who blog frequently or at least on a regular basis. I also admire people who blog about something specific--a trip to somewhere fantastic, adventures in the life of mom, or whatever. My blog seems to be a random smattering of sarcasm and self-indulgent prattle. Ah well...I shouldn't go on another "everyone's better than I am at everything" jag, which this could quickly turn into if I'm not careful. But I'll be careful.

I really do enjoy writing and words have so much interest to me. Almost as much as the color that adorns most of my life. I love combinations of words and how they mean more when you add one to the other in just the most eloquent way. Or even not in an eloquent way, but just some way that sparks an interest you never knew was there.

I often wonder do people read this blog? Do they stumble upon it and read a few words and then move on? Or do they seek it out to find out the next Sapphire Soprano musing? Either way, I'm happy writing it. I throw my thoughts into the universe and wonder if they'll come back.

I find myself inspired lately and wonder if that's how the paths of life go. Every turn and twist in the proverbial road can change everything. I like that.

As a great poet said, "I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference". (or something like that)


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