Tuesday, April 8, 2014

On a more positive note... :)

I need to raise $4000 by August of 2015. Rather than ask for a handout or even a loan, I'm racking my brain (wracking? Geez...my command of the English language is severely lacking right now) Anyway, I'm pondering the possibilities of how I can reach this goal by giving something instead of just asking and getting. Lots of ideas run through my brain. Benefit recital? Yeah but (there's that inner critic again!) is anyone going to PAY to listen to me sing when they can hear me for free? Hmm. What services can I offer? Babysitting? That's a bunch of babysitting and I have "real" jobs. (that stupid inner critic again). What can I do, that would bring joy to people and in turn raise funds for me to bring joy to MY life? This $4000 is not just for frivolous things. I want to travel with my chorus. This chorus, for some, seems to be a hobby, but it's really a life-sustaining activity for me. I cannot imagine my life without singing in this group. I've been lucky enough to travel with them more than a few times, and each time I learn something about myself and about the world. I discover people and places I would never otherwise have the opportunity to experience.

So, back to what I can do. Why do I draw a blank? Ugh. Ok back to the beginning:
Benefit recital
Summer Nite?

Why does none of this sound very appealing? Except the recital, of course. And I need someone to play piano for it too. Aaaaaahhhhhh.

Well, I'll keep thinking. I have over a year. :)

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